2024 Board of Directors
Nancy Bowman - Chair
Sam Carr - Vice Chair
Tom Eller - Treasurer
Avys Massey - Secretary
Ivey Orr
Brian Evans
Chris Weisner
George White
Sam Carr
Harvey Lowd
Amanda Foster Anderson
Michael Gay
Stefanie Walling
Matt McNeil
Meghan Sink
Gary Simon
Carol King
2023 Board of Directors
Lore Fariss - Co-Chair
Nancy Bowman - Vice Chair
Don Shaw - Treasurer
Avys Massey - Secretary
Pat Bowling
Wanda Dellinger
Mark Nelson
Ivey Orr, Brian Evans
Daniel Hall
Tom Eller
Rev. Dr. Daniel Webb
Chris Weisner
George White
Abby Williams
Sam Carr
Harvey Lowd
Barbara Willingham
Amanda Foster Anderson
Michael Gay
2023 Advisory Board
Barbara Coughlin - Chair
Andy Bills
Joe Blankenship
Joe Blosser
Mary Bogest
Ray Bretzmann
Frosty Culp
Lousie Foster
Sandra Funk
Jeff Horney
Nancy Laney
David Miller
Vicki Miller
Mark Norcross
Matt Nowell
Mike Smith
David Thompson
Jim White