Financial Assistance
The Emergency Financial Assistance Program assists families experiencing unexpected occurrences that affect their ability to pay utilities and rent.
REnt Assistance Line: 336.819.8444
Utilities Assistance Line: 336.819.8443

Open Door Ministries is a participating agency in the Community Resource Network (CRN), a network of community agencies working together to streamline services to the community.
Demetrius allows us to provide services for Rent and Utilities Payments!
Look below for information on how to schedule an appointment.
Call to make an appointment
Rental Assistance: 336.819.8444
Utilities Assistance: 336.819.8443
​Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays 10am-3pm, by appointments only.
Call to make appointments on Wednesday's from 7:30am - until all spots are filled.
No Walk-Ins
Calls made on any other day than Wednesday cannot be guaranteed a call back.
Due to our funding limitations, we are able to provide assistance only as resources allow. Appointments will be allocated in the order they are received.

Please refer to the adjoining
graphic for more information!​
This program supported in part by: